This User Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between BitnetX (hereinafter referred to as “BitnetX”), located in Dubai, and the individual signing up as a platform user accessing (hereinafter referred to as the “User”). The Agreement becomes effective upon the User's acceptance in electronic form and remains in force until terminated by the parties in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Contract.
2.1. BitnetX: BitnetX is managed by a Dubai-based company located in Dubai. 2.2. Crypto-currency: Digital assets that allow for secure transactions in a cryptographic and encrypted manner, with an additional virtual money supply, are referred to as cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are alternative currencies; they are virtual and digital. 2.3. Crypto-currency Wallet: A computer file that contains the User's cryptocurrency addresses and their passwords, enabling transfers between these addresses. Cryptographic addresses are randomly generated cryptographic public key pairs. 2.4. User: A real person who is a member of the Site and benefits from the services provided by BitnetX. 2.5. Site: An internet site consisting of and sub-domains connected to this domain name.
This Terms of Use agreement governs the mutual rights and obligations between the User, a member of the Site, and BitnetX, when accessing the services provided on the site. The BitnetX website is a buying and selling platform where users buy and sell to each other within the site, with the site mediating these transactions. Prices on the site are determined by the supply-demand relationship and cannot be set by BitnetX.
This agreement begins when the User becomes a member of the site electronically. The User agrees to read and accept all the provisions of this Contract separately while becoming a member of the Site.
User Information: The User agrees to provide BitnetX with complete, accurate, and up-to-date information as requested to access the platform's tools. BitnetX reserves the right to revoke, suspend, or cancel the User’s account if the information provided is incomplete or inaccurate. The User acknowledges that in such cases, they will have no recourse or claims against BitnetX.
Account Establishment: The User is allowed to establish only one User account. Creating a second account using the same or different information after the suspension or termination of an account by BitnetX is prohibited. If the User is found to have violated this rule, all accounts belonging to the User may be canceled, and the creation of a new account may be prevented. The User must provide accurate identification information, including but not limited to identity card, invoices, passport, driving license, title deed, birth certificate, bank account book. BitnetX reserves the right to refuse to open a User's account at its discretion.
Intellectual Property Rights: All intellectual and industrial rights related to the services on the website, including software codes, domain names, content, interfaces, product reviews, videos, drawings, algorithms, models, and designs, belong to BitnetX. The User is not allowed to reverse engineer, copy, reproduce, or disclose any services provided by BitnetX. Any violation of these provisions may result in the unilateral and justified termination of the contract, with all legal and criminal liability belonging to the User.
Compliance: The User agrees to comply with this Agreement, its annexes, applicable legislation, and other rules and conditions specified on the site.
Age Requirement: The User declares that they are over 18 years old to use the site and acknowledges liability for any damage caused by submitting inaccurate age information. BitnetX reserves the right to terminate the contract, cancel, revoke, or suspend the User's account without notice if false information is detected.
Information Accuracy and Confidentiality: The User is responsible for the correctness, accuracy, and confidentiality of all information provided during registration and agrees not to share their password or username with any third party. The User accepts that BitnetX is not liable for any damages arising from these circumstances.
Use of Cryptocurrency: BitnetX cannot monitor how cryptocurrency purchased through the site is used, where it is transferred, or if it is used illegally or criminally. BitnetX is not responsible for any damages or losses arising from the misuse of cryptocurrency by the User or third parties. The User agrees to indemnify BitnetX for any damages incurred and to pay default interest if such damages are not compensated.
Account Security: Users are responsible for ensuring the security of their accounts. It is recommended to use a strong, unique password, refrain from sharing usernames or passwords, use the password exclusively for the BitnetX website, always connect via HTTPS, and verify the website address. These security measures are recommendations, and BitnetX holds no liability for any damages incurred even if these measures are followed.
Account Transfer: Users are prohibited from transferring, selling, or assigning their accounts or rights to third parties, or allowing others to use their membership. BitnetX reserves the right to cancel, suspend, or terminate the User’s account in such instances.
Limitation of Liability: BitnetX, its directors, employees, and those preparing information on the site shall not be held liable or have any legal or punitive responsibility for any losses or damages arising from the User's fault. The User acknowledges that they have no right to recourse against these individuals under any circumstances.
Independence of BitnetX: BitnetX is an independent company and is not representative of any similar purchase and sales platforms. BitnetX is not responsible for transactions made by the User on any other platform or for any damages or losses arising from such transactions.
Role of BitnetX: BitnetX acts as a mediator for buying and selling cryptocurrency. Prices on the site are determined by buyers and sellers, not by BitnetX. BitnetX is not responsible for any damages or losses caused to users due to price changes, and the User agrees not to take any recourse against BitnetX in this regard.
Prohibited Activities: The User agrees not to engage in activities that endanger the security and integrity of the computer and network systems hosting the site, misuse the site in a way that may damage it or other systems, provide unauthorized access to computer systems, or transfer illegal content that may harm third-party or BitnetX computer systems. The User is responsible for any damages arising from improper actions and agrees to fully compensate BitnetX for any such damages.
Reporting and Resolution of Issues: Users are required to make diligent efforts to diagnose and understand any issues encountered on the platform before contacting BitnetX for assistance. In the event of technical problems, such as server errors or unexpected account movements not due to user error, users must promptly notify BitnetX through email. If a user experiences delayed access and cannot perform actions on the platform, they may provide instructions via email for manual processing by BitnetX's support team. However, if the user fails to provide clear and understandable instructions, they will be held responsible for any resulting consequences. Instructions sent to BitnetX's support team must be fulfilled within 24 hours. BitnetX will not be liable for any damages that occur during this 24-hour period. In cases where force majeure prevents the fulfillment of instructions, BitnetX shall not bear any responsibility. If a user withdraws or alters their initial instructions within the 24-hour period and provides new instructions, only the second set of instructions will be valid, and the first set will not be executed.
Compliance with Legal Requirements: Users agree to use the BitnetX platform only for legal and regulatory purposes. They acknowledge that any misuse for illegal purposes may result in civil or criminal liability and accept full responsibility for such actions.
Responsibility for Compliance: Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using the BitnetX platform. BitnetX shall not be responsible for any legal actions taken against users for non-compliance. In such cases, BitnetX reserves the right to pursue all legal remedies available and the user shall be liable for any damages incurred, including legal costs and attorney fees.
Handling of Suspicious Transactions: BitnetX reserves the right to refund money transfers deemed suspicious. Users are solely responsible for all their actions and transactions on the platform, and BitnetX bears no legal or administrative responsibilities in such cases.
Amendment of Deposit and Withdrawal Rules: BitnetX has the unilateral right to amend its deposit and withdrawal rules, including all related warnings and guidelines on its help pages and other sections of the platform. By using the platform, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions.
Requirements for Deposits: Deposits must originate from a bank account registered under the same name as the user. Transfers should be conducted through ATMs or other methods that do not require a physical card. BitnetX reserves the right to reject any transfers that do not comply with these requirements.
Transactions Outside Declared Time Limits: BitnetX shall not be liable for any losses or damages resulting from transactions conducted outside the declared time limits for deposit and withdrawal transactions.
Handling of Transactions at Unrealistic Prices: In cases where transactions are executed at unrealistic prices due to technical errors, BitnetX reserves the right to cancel or reverse these transactions to rectify the system and ensure proper operation. User accounts involved in such transactions may be frozen and canceled during the cancellation and refund process. Users acknowledge that no recourse can be claimed from BitnetX for any damages resulting from such transactions.
Security of Cryptocurrencies: BitnetX is committed to ensuring the maximum security of cryptocurrencies held in user accounts. Cryptocurrencies belonging to users are stored in environments without an internet connection to mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks. However, BitnetX cannot be held responsible for theft or fraud cases that may occur despite these security measures. Users accept this risk and waive any claims against BitnetX for damages that may arise in such cases.
Use of BitnetX Account and Bitcoin Withdrawals: Users agree not to use their BitnetX account as a Bitcoin Wallet and to withdraw Bitcoins to their own wallet addresses. Users also agree to return any incorrect transfers made by BitnetX to the withdrawal addresses specified by BitnetX.
Global Services: The BitnetX platform provides services to both natural and legal persons worldwide.
Support Services and Contact Information: Support services are available through the email address [email protected] and the BitnetX website. BitnetX does not provide support services through any other channels, does not request passwords in support correspondence, and does not provide a cryptocurrency address for receiving cryptocurrency from users. Users acknowledge that any email sent from addresses other than the specified email address in this section will not be the responsibility of BitnetX for any damages or losses suffered by the User.
Risks Associated with Cryptocurrency Investments: Users acknowledge and understand the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies. By accepting this contract, users declare that they will not hold BitnetX responsible for any damages or losses resulting from their investments. Users are responsible for all profits and losses resulting from price changes, and cannot make any claims against BitnetX for losses or damages.
Legal and Tax Obligations: Users are responsible for complying with legal obligations and tax liabilities related to the use of cryptocurrencies. BitnetX cannot be held responsible for any tax liabilities arising from users' profits and losses.
Force Majeure and Transaction Fulfillment: BitnetX is committed to processing User's transfer transactions promptly. However, BitnetX shall not be held liable for any damages arising from transaction failure or delay due to force majeure events as defined in St. Vincent and The Grenadines Legislation's Commercial guidelines. Force majeure events include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, riots, war, strikes, lockouts, failures caused by telecommunication infrastructures, electricity interruptions, and bad weather conditions. During a force majeure event, both parties' actions are suspended. If the force majeure event lasts longer than two (2) months, the party whose rights cannot be exercised may terminate the contract. However, during the period in which the User's balance remains in BitnetX, the User shall not make any claims such as interest on the principal amount from BitnetX.
Identity Certification and Address Information: Users registering on the site must certify their identity and address information (for TL and coin withdrawal transactions). Failure to document identity and address information will result in BitnetX not allowing the User to withdraw currency from the account. User identity and address information documented by the User into the system is required in accordance with the laws and regulations of St. Vincent and The Grenadines. This information will be shared with the relevant authorities upon request. BitnetX undertakes not to share the User's identity and address information with any real or legal person except in these cases.
Use of BitnetX's Commercial Assets: Under no circumstances shall the User use BitnetX's commercial title, trademark, service brand, logos, domain name, etc.
Communication and Notifications: Users will be contacted via the email address submitted during the registration process or through the site. Email communication shall substitute for written communication. It is the User's responsibility to keep their email address up-to-date, set the email address that BitnetX shall send mails to as the reliable email address, and check the BitnetX for regular notifications. Any and all notifications made to the User’s email address registered in the system belonging to the user are the official notices in accordance with the Notification Law and other laws. The User declares and undertakes that the address is correct and reachable.
Acceptance of Terms and Disclosures: The User acknowledges and undertakes that upon becoming a member on the site, they have read and understood all the materials of the contract, and approve all the contents of the contract and all its provisions. The User has also read and accepted all disclosures made by the BRSA regarding cryptocurrencies and any further actions to be made thereafter. A User who does not accept the contract cannot be a member of the site and should not benefit from the site's services.
Validity and Announcement: This agreement shall be valid when it is announced on the site by BitnetX.
Severability: Any invalidity, breach, or non-compliance with any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity and execution of the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
Currency Transfer and Bank Account: The User will use the bank account registered under the same name as the username when making currency transfers. The User is responsible for any delays that may occur if the User transfers currencies under different names.
User Safety and 2FA Authentication: BitnetX declares and undertakes to ensure the safety of users who are members of the site. For the User's security, BitnetX will conduct a membership registry with 2FA Google Authenticator authentication while setting up membership. BitnetX will act as an accomplished merchant, showing all the necessary attention. The User's savings are stored in standalone environments from site servers to protect against any possible cyber-attacks.
Disclaimer of Liability: The Site, the related software, and the contents are provided "AS IS", and within this scope, BitnetX does not bear any responsibility or commitment regarding their correctness, completeness, and reliability. BitnetX does not guarantee uninterrupted and error-free usage of the Site. BitnetX also does not guarantee the availability and accessibility of systems that provide access to the Site, although aiming to make the Site accessible and usable 24/7. The User acknowledges that access to the Site may be prevented or interrupted at various times. The Company shall, under no circumstances, be held liable for damages or losses arising from any such interruption, prevention, or unauthorized access to the Site or any third party.
Limited Liability for Transactions: The liability of BitnetX for the transactions conducted by Users on the Site is limited to the reasonable technical effort to transfer the Cryptocurrencies. If the User transfers Cryptocurrencies to the accounts of non-users of the site, BitnetX ’s liability will be limited to providing the necessary technical data of the peer-to-peer network.
Quality of Service: The User acknowledges that access to the Site and its quality are largely based on the quality of the service provided by the respective Internet service provider. No liability is attributable to BitnetX in the event of disruptions to such service quality.
Ownership and Legitimacy: The User acknowledges and undertakes that they are the owner of the cash amounts in the Site account and the legitimate owner of the cryptocurrencies. They further acknowledge that any transaction conducted on the Site with respect to the cryptocurrencies is valid and legal, does not violate any law, including regulations on money laundering, and that the cash amounts used to purchase the Cryptocurrencies and the Cryptocurrencies deposited or sold represent the actual values of the funds and come from legitimate sources. The User agrees not to use the Site for any transaction which may be unlawful, including but not limited to fraud, money laundering, or terrorist financing which might adversely affect the Site. The User understands that the account may be temporarily canceled or permanently terminated in the event of suspicion of such illegal usages, or the related amount in TL or cryptocurrency might be blocked. Additionally, if there is a suspicion of fraud, and there is any request from public institutions, organizations, and/or legal authorities to the Company within this scope, the Company will provide the name, address, and any kind of information requested to the related institution.
Announcement of Charges: BitnetX will announce all charges for the services it provides in the 'Commission' section of the Site. The charges will be effective as of the time they are announced in the Commission section. The Commissions section of the site can be found at The User shall be deemed to have agreed to the payment of this transaction by acceptance and approval of this contract.
Transaction Fee for Withdrawal: BitnetX has the right to collect a transaction fee that it determines for each withdrawal by the User. Upon acceptance and approval of this contract, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the transaction fee.
Commission for Purchase-Sale Transactions: BitnetX has the right to collect a commission (service charge) at a rate that it determines for each purchase-sale transaction by its users, and BitnetX has the right to change these fees and rates from time to time. Any such changes shall be processed from the moment they are announced on the site.
Non-Refundable Fees: Virtual currency transfers cannot be refunded, so commission or transaction fees allocated by BitnetX cannot be returned, and users are not entitled to claim a refund on these fees. The User declares and undertakes that he/she is irrevocably deprived of his/her rights to make any claims on damages caused due to these actions which he/she thinks he/she has committed incorrectly.
BitnetX is unilaterally entitled to change and update this disclaimer and all the conditions and provisions included in the contract without prior notice. The User acknowledges and agrees that he/she accepts these said changes to be made by BitnetX upon accepting the contract. The so-called said changes shall become effective on the date when they are announced by BitnetX on the Site.
For any dispute arising out of the use of the Site and/or relating to the terms and conditions stated in the disclaimer and/or in connection with this Site; this User Agreement and the laws of St. Vincent and The Grenadines shall form the basis, and The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court has the legal jurisdiction authority.
Personal Information Protection: BitnetX undertakes that it will not disclose the personal information (identity, bill, address, e-mail, telephone, etc.) of the Users to third parties except for legal obligations or with the User's explicit consent if this contract is accepted and approved by the User.
Use of User Information: The information provided by the Users will not be used in any way other than the rules and purposes stated in the User Agreement, and will not be shared with third parties.
Compliance with Laws: The User undertakes to use the site in compliance with all the laws and regulations in St. Vincent and The Grenadines. In the event of unlawful use, BitnetX has the right and the authority to share all the User’s information belonging to the user with the competent relevant authorities. This shall not be construed as a violation of confidentiality, and shall not be construed as assigning any liability to BitnetX.
Disclosure of Information: BitnetX may disclose the User's information to third parties only where it is necessary to comply with the obligations of the written legal rules issued by the competent relevant legal authorities such as Laws, Decrees, Regulation etc., related to the fulfilment and execution of the contractual requirements between the User and BitnetX, when it is necessary to provide information in order to protect the rights or security of the Users, when the information is requested by the judicial authorities in the direction of research or investigation carried out in accordance with the procedural method. BitnetX shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by such circumstances.
Third-Party Sites: BitnetX may provide links to other sites within the Site. It may publish third-party advertisements and/or application forms for various services and may direct Users to third-party sites or advertisements through these forms and advertisements. BitnetX does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices or policies of other sites accessed through this link.
Data Collection and Usage: BitnetX identifies and records the IP addresses of Users, and the models, operating systems, and browser information of the devices they use to access the Site. BitnetX can use these records to identify users in a general manner, and to collect comprehensive demographic information, to provide system and user account security, to combat counterfeiting, and to comply with legal obligations.
Data Accuracy Disclaimer: Any content presented on the site consists of data collected from third parties and from open public sources. All data, analyses, reports, and statistics are processed and presented objectively by software that automatically processes the information without any regulation or guidance. All news and reports submitted by BitnetX are solely for information and advice and are not guaranteed to be accurate. It is possible that the data may be contradictory or inconsistent with one another, and BitnetX bears no obligation under any title of any kind due to such circumstances.
Agreement Commencement: This Agreement shall enter into force upon acceptance by the User in electronic form and shall remain in force unless terminated by either party as follows.
Termination by Either Party: Each of the parties may terminate this Agreement at any time during the contractual term. If legislative amendments and legal regulations require, BitnetX may terminate the Agreement immediately, without any indemnification obligation.
BitnetX's Right to Suspend or Terminate: The failure by the User to comply with the provisions of this Agreement, and the rules and conditions declared on the Site, constitutes a risk in the sense of legal, technical, and information security of the User's activities. If any content included in the site is of a nature contrary to the personal and commercial rights of third parties, BitnetX may suspend the User's usage of the site. If the non-compliance has not been remedied even after notification by BitnetX, the Contract may be terminated unilaterally by BitnetX. In case of risks relating to information security and suspicion of illegal actions, as well as the conditions clearly stated in the provisions of this Agreement, BitnetX is entitled to terminate the Agreement and the usage of the site by the User without notice and without delay. In such circumstances, the User cannot make any claim against BitnetX.
Transfer of Funds upon Termination: In the event of termination of this Agreement, BitnetX shall transfer the fiat amounts to the most recent bank account provided by the User; and the Cryptocurrency amounts to the Cryptocurrency Address provided by the User if there is no blockage in the User account.
No legal, tax, or investment consultancy shall be provided within the frame of the site. Information tools accessed through the site are intended to provide general information about purchases and sales transactions made through the site only to users, and these tools shall in no way be construed as investment training or consultancy provided by BitnetX. Decisions regarding the suitability of the transaction for the User’s personal and financial situation, and the risks arising from these, are entirely the responsibility of the User. Regardless of the purpose of the transactions carried out by the Users on the site, BitnetX bears no responsibility for their consequences.